E-bay addiction and body dismorphia

 I’ve started bidding for stuff I don’t really want off e-bay in the middle of the night. And don’t remember what I’ve bid for until I receive an e-mail in the morning telling me I’ve won. It started off as something to do to pass the time while Nancy fed, having it on my phone made it really easy to have a quick peruse. But at some point, the weights tipped from looking to bidding. And now the stuff has started to arrive I realise that taste and common sense isn’t at it’s peak at 4am when the last bit of energy you might have is being sucked out of you. 

So far I have ‘won’ (although I don’t feel like much of a winner at the moment) a stripey hooded top that looks like that kind of thing the posh girls used to wear mucking out stables, a stripey dress which makes me look larger than when I was nine months pregnant, and a stripey ‘cropped’ vest top, which is described as this season, but I’m assuming it is intended for someone with a toned stomach, as it sits comfortably above my stretch marks which is very fetching. And what’s with all the stripes? But even though my taste is questionable, there is something really exciting about receiving a package now that the gifts for Nancy have stopped. 

The problem is I’ve had to start selling some of my own stuff to finance the e-bay habit. Which would be fine, except my descriptions have been less than accurate, according to my buyers, and so I’m making a loss at the moment as I’ve had to make three refunds so far, so I haven’t, as yet, covered the postage of all the things I’ve sent out. Feedback has included stating a dress was the wrong colour (blue instead of green), that the condition of the dress wasn’t as described (I’d said it was VGC- Very Good Condition- where as tinytim67 told me it had pulls and ladders all over it) and the best, was a girl who said the top was so dirty and dusty, than her mother who was staying and has an allergy to dust, literally had to leave the house until the offensive item was back in the envelope and sent back to me as her throat had started to close up. So think I might resume the Jack Reacher military cop books as a late night distraction instead.
